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ride with

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-30 00:00

ride with发音




did with───利用,处理;需要;忍受;与……相处

live with───忍受;承认;寄宿在…家;与…同居

made with───作出;产生;谈妥

ride high───v.得意洋洋

trifle with───玩弄;视同儿戏;心不在焉地做

alive with───充满着;洋溢着

broke with───v.结束;与…绝交,和…断绝关系;和…决裂

chime with───与……相一致

lived with───忍受;承认;寄宿在…家;与…同居


Bicyclists should ride with traffic.───行人须顺着车流骑行。

Mike asked George to trade places with him so he could ride with Tomas.───迈克请乔治跟他交换位置,这样他就能和托马斯同车了。

Don't you want to ride with your friends?───难道你不想和朋友们一起骑车吗?

Yet, a ride with her to love land will be the ride you're never likely to forget.───但是若与她踏上爱情的旅程绝对会让你终生难忘的。

bone in her swollen old body Mary Carson had wished she had been able to refuse, or else ride with them.───玛丽·卡森老态龙钟的躯体内带着极大的痛苦,她希望能拒绝这件事或者和他们一道去骑马。

My dad had explained this to me when he asked me to go for a ride with him to pick out a puppy.───我爸爸要我跟他开车去找条小狗时对我做了这番解释。

You think its normal to pick up a girl in a pub, walk her to her bike and ride with her back home.───你觉得把一个姑娘从酒吧带走,和她走到她放自行车的地方并且骑车送她回家是很正常的事。

Since November, it has been a joy ride, with the company's shares up more than 90%.───自去年11月以来形势一片大好。公司股票至今已累计上涨90%以上。

A filly named Sugar was out for a ride with her owner when something spooked her, sending her falling into a canal.───一匹名叫“糖糖”的小母马在和主人出去遛弯的时候被什么东西惊吓到了,掉进一条小沟里。


Lots of your friends want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. Oprah Winfrey 

We managed to thumb a lift / ride with a truck driver.

Could I ride with you to work tomorrow?

I managed to cadge a ride with a lorry driver.

We had hitched a ride with an armored unit, 6 Patton tanks.

Can I catch a ride with you?

They keep to the road and ride with amazingly straight backs.

I'd just as soon ride with you, if that's okay.

We hitched a ride with a trucker.

上一篇:cleaning out

