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栏目: 英文签名 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2017-01-17 22:54

The world is too complicated, let a person elusive .【这个世界太繁杂,让人琢磨不清】

come to with me if want to live. 想活命就跟我!.

In me the tiger sniffs the rose. 心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇。

君恨我来迟。You regret that l was late born .

I can wait, happiness can come slowly, as long as it is true.

You Still have lots more to work on 你还差的远呢

And wanna play it cool, but i loosin’ you. ( 我想表现的酷一点,但是我失去了你.)

go your own way

Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.相聚爱益切 离别情更深

Learn to use high heels to fight You are the real queen.(学会用高跟鞋打架你就是真正的女王)



good good study day day up

Just the way you are

Temptat10n ゜夜

Reality is stranger than fiction

Sometimes, miss is not time, is feeling. [有时候,我们错过的不是时间,是感觉.]

What will it take to make you come back. 不要知道得太多,会难过。

I love the way you lie


Plan the worst scnario withthe best hope.

Their love is so hard,but they can make it,Why can’t we他们那样艰难的爱情都能走下去为什么我们不能



What voice trembling when thinking of you say

He didn't love you so much as you think.

In cloudy days.

Happy birthday G-Dragon .

Even the can I also want to fall off to ring than others.(就算是破罐子我也想比别人摔得响)

you are my sunshine !

Time always save the best for last(时间总是把最好的人留到最后)

I really care about you 我真的很在乎你

Always waiting for you.总是在这里等着你

I wish you loved me 但愿你爱过我



so close, you so far 那么近又那么远

The warm smile,if the quality. 微笑向暖,安之若素

喜欢看下午的太阳.Like to see the sun in the afternoon .

开始考虑还能活多久多长. Start thinking how long it will be.

Time cut scar is called growth. 时间划破的伤疤叫做成长。

YOU must leam to look after yourselveS —————你们必须学会照顾自己。

See you again重逢之时

Happy birthday to you. CVIP will always be with you and bigbang. CVIP will wait for you backing.

For you drunk (为你而醉)

Hey, I just love you.And It's really crazy.So love me baby



Happy birthday to my dear GD


The most afraid of getting along with people is that you don't believe what you see. [ 与人相处最怕的就是:你不相信你看到的我 却相信别人口中说的我 ]

The existence of small three tell us Put on the cow flowers also don't delay for flies 小三的存在告诉我们 牛粪上插了鲜花也不耽误招苍蝇

Someone owed you will have another person to give you love "某个人欠你的 会有另一个人还给你 包括爱情"

Is there a moment, you have to doubt, in fact, you have no friends. 有没有那么一瞬间 你曾怀疑过 其实你一个朋友都没有

If you love me, don't make another girl. 说了喜欢我 就不要再逗别的女孩笑了

The most funny thing is, I know the truth, you are still lying, but also so true, so deep 最可笑的是 我知道了真相 你却还在说谎 还说的那么真那么深

You have to test a few times to understand that he does not care about you, so obvious. 你要试探几次才能明白 他不在乎你 如此显而易见

Love and you are gone, only me 爱和你都走了 只剩下我



Hello Lingling!

Bahtiyar Zulhumar


有些事让我无能为力 比如翘起的头发 冰冷的手 还有遥远的你 但有些事我还想尽力而为 比如倒数的成绩 熬夜的瘾 还有遥远的你

过去的感情 就像牙齿一样 丢了就没有了 装上也是假的


“一百个凶猛的闹钟也比不上你的morning call ?”

as long as you love me。 —只有你爱我。

I know you are a person who can't refuse but I can't convince myself。

Do you like dancing?tell me loudly



我老实跟你说 我并不老实

No matter if I am feeling up or down,I miss you for no reason and that is my secret 在所有好的中,不好的情绪里,毫无预兆地想念你,是我不可告人的隐疾

Waiting for you to come back into my life,is just an excuse for not completely letting go of you 等待,不是为了你能回来,而是找个借口不离开

Dream it possible.

I think,therefore I am(我思故我在)

IKDKXJDKjidfee 。。 看得懂吗? 我告诉你其实我也看不懂。

想把你灌醉 听听你心里有谁

I miss you(我想你了)