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current interest rate

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

current interest rate发音




prime interest rate───基准利率

variable (interest) rate───可变利率

interest rate───[金融]利率

current expenditure───[会计]经常性支出

current return───本期收益率

current returns───本期收益率

current understanding───当前的理解

interest rates───利息,[金融]利率

keen interest in───对…极感兴趣


This will depend upon your current interest rate.───这将取决于你目前的利息。

rate of return after erasing the inflation rate from the current interest rate.───从现行的利率中扣除通货膨胀率后所得的实质收益率。

's the current interest rate?───当前的利率是多少?

The U. S. Federal Reserve's current interest-rate target is 1% -- a level Mr. Loynes expects the Bank of England to reach next year.───Fed当前的目标利率为1%,洛因斯预计英国央行明年将会达到这个水平。

If it purchased a call option, it would compound its current interest-rate mismatch.───如果它买进买入期权,就会加剧其目前利率期限方面的不对称。

The current interest rate is sometimes used as a simple (but incorrect) proxy for discount rate.───当下的利率有时候被用来作为一个简单(却不正确)的折现率的约数。

Returns on money market investments are highly dependent on the current interest rate and are considered low risk.───货币市场投资的收益很大程度取决于当前的利率,它是一种风险较低的投资。

What's the current interest rate?───目前的利率是多少?

And the third way is by freezing their current interest rate for five years.───第三种是冻结现行的利息五年。


Whats the current interest rate?

Know that current interest rate home loans for more research.

The bank caclulates loan interest as "simple" interest -- for every payment period, multiply the current outstanding principal by the current interest rate to determine the interest payment.

B: That is because the current interest rate is low.

And the third way is by freezing their current interest rate for five years.

The central bank yesterday said current interest rate settings are consistent with the pace of growth and prospects for inflation.

上一篇:conglobal j1
下一篇:curtailed meaning

