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ciliary ganglion

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

ciliary ganglion发音




military garrison───驻防部队

basal ganglion───[解剖]基底神经节;基底节

spinal ganglion───脊神经节;脊髓神经节

basal ganglions───[解剖]基底神经节;基底节

biliary calculi───胆管结石,胆结石

ciliary bodies───[解剖]睫状体;纤毛体

ciliary muscle───[解剖]睫状肌;鲍曼氏肌;睫允

ciliary muscles───[解剖]睫状肌;鲍曼氏肌;睫允

spinal ganglions───脊神经节;脊髓神经节


Aim to observe the effect of treatment on absolute glaucoma with acute ache with ciliary nerve ganglion cauterization and optic neurotomy.───目的观察睫状神经节烧灼及视神经剪断术治疗伴有剧烈疼痛的绝对期青光眼的疗效。

Methods Treating 15 cases (15 eyes) diagnosed absolute glaucoma with acute ache with ciliary nerve ganglion cauterization and optic neurotomy.───方法对15例(15眼)确诊为绝对期青光眼并伴有剧烈疼痛者,采用睫状神经节烧灼加视神经剪断术进行治疗。

Long radix of ciliary ganglion IV.───睫状神经长根

Microanatomy and clinical significance of the ciliary ganglion───睫状神经节的显微解剖学及其临床意义

Long root of ciliary ganglion───睫状神经节长根


The central sector transmits the superior and inferior of divisions of the oculomotor nerver, the abducens and nasociliary nerves and the sensory and sympathetic roots of the ciliary ganglion.

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