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l think it is

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

l think it is发音




there it is───这些是

to think twice───三思而后行

a thin skin───薄薄的皮肤

think again───重新考虑

think fit───宁愿;选择

think pieces───人的脑袋;时事短评;内幕新闻报道

think tank───智囊团

think tanks───智囊团,智囊班子;幻想坦克

think twice───再三考虑;重新考虑


RICHARD L. BELLMER: I think the thing that's interesting is that we've had a lot of discussions as it relates to markets and how clients feel about risk.───RICHARD L. BELLMER):我认为,有趣的是我们已经进行了大量有关市场和客户对风险感想的讨论。

I think it is C-O-L-E-H-D,' he says.───我想是C - O - L - E - H - D吧”,他说。

question whether the renminbi will become a world currency, in my view, is not a question that should be answered by me and l think it is too ear1y now to discuss this question.───币能否成为世界货币,这个问题不应该由我来回答,而且现在还言之过早。

When l know lam just one of your centre, l think it is time for me to leave.───你忽略了我的脆弱性没有考虑而不是别的东西,而你的理解。

l think it is imporant to remember the past───我觉得记得从前是很重要

下一篇:tenth digit

