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famous places

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

famous places发音





famous name───著名的名字

house places───住宅场所

about faces───彻底改变;(美)向后转

bad places───不好的地方

eating places───饮食场所

family plans───家庭计划

famous movie───著名电影

go places───获得成功

holy places───n.圣所;圣殿


There are many famous places such as Burj Khalifa tower, Burj al Arab hotel and the palm islands.───这儿有许多著名的景点,例如哈利法塔塔,阿拉伯酒店塔和棕榈岛。

are some famous places in Hunan.───湖南有一些出名的地方。

What are the most famous places there?───那儿最有名的地方是什么?

One of the famous places in town, with lots happenings all over the place and nearby, offering a good spot for surfing!───在城里的一个著名的地方,很多发生的事情,所有的地方和附近,提供一个适合冲浪的好去处!

I could have acted as your guide and taken you to all the famous places.───我本可以担任你的向导,带你到各处名胜去。

And he draws and illustrates a map of the famous places toured that day, and gives it to his passenger.───并且,在结束一天的活动之后,他还把当天游览过的名胜画成一张游览图送给客人。

One of the most famous places in ancient Rome was the Circus Maximus .───古罗马最著名的地方之一就是马克西姆斯大赛场。

Some of them have gone home, some of them have gone to famous places to see the sights.───他们有些人回家了,有的到名胜风景区观光游览去了。

The Palace Museum is one of the most famous places of interest in Beijing.───故宫是北京最有名的风景名胜之一。

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