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likelihood principle

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

likelihood principle发音




accelerator principle───加速原理

Pauli exclusion principle───不相容原理;[量子]泡利不相容原理

biblical principles───圣经原则

exclusion principle───不相容原理;排他原理

reality principle───[心理]现实原则;唯实原则

seminal principle───开创性原则

violate a principle───违背一个原则

acceleration principle───[物]加速原理;[物]加速度原理

accelerator principles───加速原理


method for estimating the curves and their confidence bounds is developed by a linear regression technique and a maximum likelihood principle.───线性回归技术和极大似然法原理,给出了概率曲线及其置信限的估计方法。

According to the selected scheme an equation is constituted for the observation. Identification algorithm for the nonlinear dynamic system, is deduced following the maximum likelihood principle.───根据选定的量测方案建立观测方程,并按极大似然原理导出非线性动力学系统的参数辨识算法。

I cannot judge the likelihood of the disaster scenario, but if there ever was a case for applying the precautionary principle in economic analysis, then this is it.───我无法判断出现灾难情景的几率,但如果说有任何情况应该在经济分析中运用预防原则的话,那么这一次就是这种情况。

Simplified version of frequency detector derived from the maximum-likelihood principle───基于最大似然原理的低复杂度频率检测器

Research on Receiver's Optimum Threshold in Multi-Wavelength OCDMA Based on Maximum Likelihood Principle───基于最大似然准则的多波长OCDMA接收机的最佳判决门限研究

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