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single run

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

single run发音







single cut───单切;单纹

single man───独身男子

single men───独身男子

single out───挑出;挑选

single bond───单键

single cuts───单切;单纹

single room───n.单人房,单人间

single unit───单一机组;单一运具

single wing───单翼


SQC can also run in batch mode to check multiple XML schemas in a single run.───SQC还可以以批处理方式运行,通过一次运行检查多个XML模式。

And, on a single run, it does not.───而且,在一次试验后,结果确实如此。

All tests included will then be executed as a single run.───包含的所有测试随后将在单个运行中执行。

The same computer-controlled traverse system was used to measure at several points from the nozzle edge to the centre in a single run.───采用相同的计算机控制的横移系统在一次行程中测量从喷嘴边缘到中心的若干点。

With HResult the execution mode can combine MDX and XML in a single run tree, allowing for much higher flexibility and query performance.───通过HResult,执行模式可以在单个运行树中结合MDX和XML,实现更高的灵活性和查询性能。

Also, performance improved (though not so you'd notice it in a single run).───同时,性能也提高了(尽管这不是你运行一次就能感觉到的)。

In general, It is preferable to analyze all study samples from a subject in a single run.───为一个课题单次分析所有研究样品是更好的做法。(这样翻译是否合适?)

The pre-2. 6 scheduler also used a single run queue for all processors in a symmetric multiprocessing system (SMP).───在对称多处理系统(SMP)中,2.6版本之前的调度器对所有的处理器都使用一个运行队列。


In the last game between the Dodgers and the Diamondbacks, Kuo Hong-chih pitched one strikeout and one walk in the 9th inning, not giving up a single run.

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下一篇:hard and fast rule

