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turn of the century

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

turn of the century发音





turn on the charm───施展魅力

turn on the heat───穷追罪犯

out of the picture───不相干的;不合适;不在画面里的

turn of events───形势的变化

turn of the screw───(为达到目的所施加的)压力

turn up the heat───加大压力;使事件升温;调高温度;开大暖气

part of the furniture───司空见惯的人或物(非正式);习以为常的人或物(非正式)

Turn of the Screw, The───转动螺丝,螺丝

man of the cloth───教士


A comparative analysis of neotradtional developments with a turn - of - the - century streetcar suburb.───新传统社区发展与改变时代的电车郊区之比较分析.

The goal of eliminating hunger by the turn of the century is attainable.───在两个世纪交替的时期,消除饥饿的目标是可以实现的.

From the turn of the century onward, she shared the life of the aborigines.───她自世纪之交以来便同土著居民生活在一起。

The Victorian giants were either dead or dying by the turn of the century.───到十九、二十世纪之交,维多利亚女王时代的巨人或者已死,或者将要死去.

Automobiles were strange things to see at the turn of the century.───19世纪末、20世纪初的时候,汽车还是一种很罕见的东西.

He was born at the turn of the century.───他出生于世纪之交.

Her family came to Los Angeles at the turn of the century.───她的祖先在世纪之交时来到了洛杉矶。

At the turn of the century, women had to have help in lacing up their tihgt undergarments.───在这个世纪开始的时候, 妇女在系紧身内衣时需要帮助.

Opera reached its zenith at the turn of the century.───歌剧在本世纪初达到了它的顶峰.

People in this region embraced Christianity at the turn of the century.───这一地区的人在本世纪初开始信奉基督教.

People in this region embraced Christianity the turn of the century.───这一地区的人在本世纪“初”开始信奉基督教.

They fled to South America around the turn of the century.───他们在世纪之交逃到了南美洲。

They fled to South America around the turn of the century.───他们在世纪之交时逃往南美。

It was built at the turn of the century.───这是在世纪之交修建的。

But by the turn of the century, photos show a port city bustling activity.───而到了世纪之交, 照片则呈现出一派生机勃勃的港口城市景象.

We will be looking at photographs from the turn of the century.───我们会观看一些世纪之交的照片.

Her family came to Los Angeles at the turn of the century.───她的祖先在世纪初时来到洛杉矶.

The Library of Congress system , likewise, belongs to the turn of the century.───同样,国会图书馆分类体系也不过是在本世纪初出现的.


He was born at the turn of the century.

下一篇:make a snowman

