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silvery blue

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-09 00:00

silvery blue发音




silver bullet───银子弹;良方,高招

silvers plate───镀银;银制器皿

Nile blue───硫酸奈尔蓝;[分化]尼罗蓝

silver age───白银时代

silver bass───银鲈鱼

silver beet───菜

silver bell───银铃,银钟;银钟花木;银钟花属

silver bells───银色铃儿;四翅银钟花

silver belly───n.银腹鱼


Water, usually dark blue in this type of image, is silvery white from reflected sunlight.───水在图中通常呈暗蓝色,只有在有阳光反射的部分显示为银白色。

Sunlight reflecting off the water's surface gives it a pale, silvery blue color.───水面上太阳光反射让水面呈现出银白蓝色。

Anne was looking out of the window at the reds and yellows of the trees, and the silvery blue of the river.───安妮正在看窗户外面又有红色又有黄色的树,还有银蓝色的小河。

A northern African evergreen tree (Cedrus atlantica) , having green to silvery -blue foliage and widely grown as an ornamental.───阿特拉斯雪松:非洲北部的常绿乔木,(大西洋雪松)有绿色到银蓝色的树叶,作为装饰而被广泛栽培。

The color of Felicity is blue, a clear silvery blue (the blue of the Ashram flag), very luminous and transparent.───“幸福”的色彩是蓝色,一种清澈的银蓝(“阿施蓝【静修处】”旗帜上的那种蓝),十分明亮与透澈。

Something more than blood was leaking from Snape. Silvery blue, neither gas nor liquid.───不仅仅是血,还有什么东西也正从斯内普身上流逝。银蓝色的,不是气体也不是液体。

A silvery blue fish(Oligoplites saurus)of Atlantic waters, having leathery skin, yellow fins , and five spines on the anal fin.───鳞?一种生活在大西洋中的银蓝色鱼类(蜥革?),长有革质皮肤和黄色的鳍,尾鳍上有五根脊刺。

Silvery-blue Regulus may look pinkish in the twilight.───银蓝色的轩辕十四在暮色里有一点点浅桃色。


Blue Merle: predominantly clear , silvery blue , splashed and marbled with black.

Blue Merle : predominantly clear , silvery blue, splashed marbled with black.

A silvery blue fish(Oligoplites saurus)of Atlantic waters, having leathery skin, yellow fins , and five spines on the anal fin.

They also develop an iridescent silvery blue sheen on the body.

上一篇:weevils nc

