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saved by

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-09 00:00

saved by发音





sped by───飞驰而过,掠过

scraped by───勉强维持

passed by───通过;由…认可

came by───vt.得到;短暂拜访,顺道拜访

caved in───凹进去的

hard by───在近处

laid by───v.把…搁置在一旁;积蓄,储存

sat by───坐视不管,无动于衷

save up───储蓄;贮存


The child who fell into the water was saved by the lifeguard.───那名落水儿童被救生员救了上来。

His life was saved by a quarter-inch-thick bullet-proof steel screen.───多亏一块1/4英寸厚的防弹钢板,他才捡了条命。

They were saved by persistent fogs.───久久不散的大雾拯救了他们.

There is a woman in Minnesota who can be saved by your friend's heart.───在明尼苏达有个妇女,你朋友的心脏可以救她的命.

The Confederation of British Industry, a business lobby group, estimates that 15 billion pounds could be saved by treating chronic diseases at home.───英国工业联合会,一个商业游说团体,估计通过在家中治疗慢性疾病可以节省15亿英镑。

The boy fell through the ice but was saved by a passer - by.───那男孩掉进冰窟但被一过路行人救了起来.

The snake was saved by the old kind hearted man.───这位好心肠的老人救起了这条蛇.

His life was saved by the doctor's efforts.───医生努力把他救活了.

How can we be saved by grace alone and faith alone?───我们单单靠着神的恩典和信心如何可以得救 呢 ?

He was saved by quick-thinking neighbours.───他被反应迅捷的邻居所拯救。

Many lives have been saved by surgery.───施行外科手术拯救了许多生命.

His life was saved by the doctor.───他的生命被那位医生救了.

More cash will be saved by shutting studios and selling outside-broadcast vehicles.───通过关闭演播室和出售实况转播车将节省更多资金。

He took her to a hospital quickly. The girl was saved by the doctor.───他迅速将那个女孩送往了医院. 医生救了她.

Her blushes were saved by a prompt from one of her hosts.───幸亏一位主持人提示,她才不至于尴尬脸红。

But many species cannot be easily saved by human intervention.───但是,人类在挽救许多物种方面仍面临种种困难.

The drowning child was saved by Dick's prompt action.───迪克的及时行动救了那个溺水的孩子.

He was saved by quick-thinking neighbours.───反应迅速的邻居们把他救了。


He was saved by quick-thinking neighbours.

Perhaps, as officials contend, faces will be saved by a last-minute rush to meet the new deadline.

His life was saved by a quarter-inch-thick bullet-proof steel screen.

They were saved by the arrival on the scene of another boat.

The Everqueen is saved by Tyrion.

In the first instance, he was saved by the fortuitous destruction of his papers in an Allied bombing raid.

We are saved by God's grace.

Her life was saved by a miracle.

The pilot was saved by the ejector seat.

下一篇:interweaving effect

