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cool hand

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-09 00:00

cool hand发音




cool beans───酷豆

court hand───法院法官

bow hand───拉弓的手

club hand───n.畸形手

cool air───冷气;冷空气

cool bag───冰盒(用于保存野餐食物或饮料);冷藏保存袋

cool bags───冰盒(用于保存野餐食物或饮料);冷藏保存袋

cool jazz───酷派爵士;冷爵士乐



Cool Hand Luke was a powerhouse prison saga, casting Newman as the rambunctious convict turned Christ-like martyr.───Cool Hand Luke, 1967)是一部监狱传奇,纽曼饰演的角色从一个吵闹的罪犯转变为殉道者。

He is a cool hand.───他帮助真是厚脸皮。

Either way, it's hard to say who'd win in an eating competition between Kobayashi and Cool Hand Luke.───无论如何,如果大胃王小林与酷手卢克之间进行一场快吃比赛,我们很难讲哪一方更有胜算。

He is a cool hand.───他这个人脸皮很厚.

Paul Newman made more than 50 films including Cool Hand Lukeand The Stingfrom.───保罗?纽曼主演了50余部电影,包括《铁窗喋血》和《骗中骗》.


To put a cool hand in the world that had daunted my adult sleep.

During my breaks on set I have been catching up on some older films like DOUBLE INDEMNITY, COOL HAND LUKE, and THE DEER HUNTER.

Paul Newman made more than 50 films including Cool Hand Lukeand The Stingfrom.

Ruth put her cool hand on my burning forehead.

Cool Hand Luke was a powerhouse prison saga, casting Newman as the rambunctious convict turned Christ-like martyr.

A cool hand gripped him under each armpit.

上一篇:prodded by
下一篇:wound up

