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stone fruits

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-09 00:00

stone fruits发音




stone fruit───[植]核果

spore fruits───n.子囊果

soft fruits───浆果类

spore fruit───n.子囊果

star fruits───杨桃,五敛子

stone pits───采石场;石坑

store fronts───n.[贸易]店面(storefront的复数)

sharon fruits───沙龙水果

simple fruits───单果


Coring is a very important pretreatment during the processing of stone fruits.───核果类水果去核作业是水果加工业中十分重要的前处理工序。

Many of us love July because it's the month when berries and stone fruits are in abundance.───我们中的许多人都喜欢七月,因为这个月有很多浆果和核果。

Light stone fruits and almond aromas.───清淡的核果和杏仁香气。

The nose exhibits fresh and tropical fruit with a strong emphasis on stone fruits, pineapple, mango and honeysuckle.───散发着新鲜热带水果,尤其是核果、菠萝、芒果和金银花的香味。

Bouquet: Excellent varietal characteristics showing stone fruits and fresh citrus.───气味:香味极佳,有很好的水果和新鲜的柑橘香味。

entries for the stone fruits , grapes , particle satiated , beauty fruits.───作品中雕满了瓜果、葡萄等,颗粒饱满,有硕果累累之美感。

Summer stone fruits and melons should sit at room temperature until they are ripe, then go into the refrigerator.───夏季的话,核果和瓜类要放于室温中直至成熟完成后再进入冰箱。

Tasting Notes: Aroma of stone fruits (plum and morello cherry), of leather and sous-bois.───品味注释:李子和樱桃的果香夹杂着一丝皮革的味道。


Watermelon, honeydew melon, and stone fruits such as peaches and plums contain lots of water for hydration as well as healthy, natural fruit sugars for energy.

Recently, the disease of shot hole of "Zhuji black plum" and other stone fruits fruits is found seriously.

Brilliant pale straw. Aromas of lifted stone fruits and freshly crushed nectarine are surrounded by a subtle spicy oak. A honey character, from lees contact, gives the wine depth.

Golden yellow with lemony reflections. This wine has an interesting nose with hints of pineapple, mango, vanilla, coffee, almond tree flowers and stone fruits.

Stone fruits, honeydew melon and citrus aromas combine with a subtle oak influence that imparts a light toasty, spicy background.

Notes of stone fruits : peach and apricot, and juicy pears.

Plants in subgenus Amygdalus are an important resource of stone fruits, of which P.

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