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yoga studios

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-09 00:00

yoga studios发音




yoga studio───瑜伽工作室

area studies───区域研究

film studios───电影制片厂

home studies───n.家庭作业;审查文件

mobile studios───移动工作室

social studies───社会学科,社会研究;社会课程

brown studies───深思;出神

dance studios───舞蹈工作室

media studies───媒体研究


Lastly, many yoga studios only take cash or check, so don't show up with your only options being plastic.───最后,一般的瑜伽馆都只收现金或是支票,所以请不要仅仅只使用信用卡。

I want to open more yoga studios in Shanghai and let more people know about the benefits of yoga.───我想在上海开办更多的瑜伽会馆,让更多人知道瑜伽的益处。

This posture is the single, most important reason that video recording equipment and cameras are not allowed in yoga studios.───这个体式只有一张照片, 最重要的原因是摄像机和照相机不允许带进瑜伽教室。

He now takes several classes a week at two Manhattan yoga studios, Be Yoga and Life in Motion.───他现在每周在曼哈顿的“做瑜珈”以及“律动生命”这两所瑜珈教室上好几堂课。

A lot of gyms and yoga studios have mirrors along one wall, which are great for helping you achieve proper alignment in a pose.───很多健身房和瑜伽室里都有一面镜子墙,有助于你在体式练习中保持正确的姿势。

Yoga studios are popular and more and more are appearing around the busy subway stations.───瑜伽工作室很受欢迎,越来越多的是繁忙的地铁站附近出现。

上一篇:zymotic flow

