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yes miss

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-09 00:00

yes miss发音




near miss───n.[计]相近差错;(炸弹)近距脱靶;(车辆)侥幸免撞

red mists───红色迷雾;红雾杀人事件(书名,RedMist)

sea mists───海雾;蒸气轻雾

air miss───险些发生的撞机事故



red mist───红色迷雾;红雾杀人事件(书名,RedMist)


sea mist───海雾;蒸气轻雾


Clerk: Yes, Miss Taylor, that's correct.───职员:是的,泰勒小姐,您说得对。

yes. Miss wang. Would you like a double or single?───是的,王小姐。您要双人房还是单人房?

with buttion) Yes, miss; but t've got the piece that I value more; and that's the peace that passeth hall hannerstennin.───地)是的,小姐。但是我的那片面包更为珍贵,它也让我的灵魂得到安宁。

Yes, Miss Bennet, interest; for do not expect to be noticed by his family or friends, if you wilfully act against the inclinations of all.───不错,班纳特小姐,确是为了你的利害关系着想。要是你有意跟大家都过不去,你就休想他家里人或是他的亲友们看得起你。

Yes, Miss Spring's footstep can be seen everywhere, let's look for her footprint together.───是啊,到处都有春姑娘的脚步。让我们一起来寻找春天的足迹吧!

Yes, miss. What was the problem with your purchase?───是的,小姐。您买的东西有什么问题呢?

Yes, Miss Lanny, convenient to leave your phone number?───好的,兰妮小姐,方便留下你的电话号码吗?

"Yes, Miss Wyatt. " She got up. She half ran towards the door.───“对,怀亚特小姐。”她站起来,小跑着奔向门口。

"Yes, Miss MacIntyre. I think Shandy's tired now. Is it alright if I walk down to the school to play out with Robert tillteatime, please? "───“是啊,麦茵蒂尔小姐。我想姗蒂肯定是累了,在下午茶的时候,我能否去学校找罗伯特出去玩?”


Yes, Miss Susan, we have you down for a deluxe room tonight.

Desk clerk: Yes, Miss Walker. There you are.

Yes, Miss Ogden. Nancy lee, your picture has won the Artist Club award.

Jilly: Yes , miss , but you warned us yesterday not to answer back!

上一篇:stink poo
下一篇:yours sincerely

